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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

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A group of QLLA members acknowledged by the Board of Trustees, the DE&I Council promotes initiatives that inform, educate and celebrate diversity in an effort to promote more understanding and greater inclusivity at The Quechee Club, within the Quechee Lakes community and the broader Hartford and White River Junction region.

DE&I Full Mission Statement

The DE&I Mission:

The Quechee Club – its Board of Trustees, Staff and Members – expect that all who live, work, recreate and/or visit will adhere to our standards of conduct and respect for all people and for the native land on which our campus sits. We recognize that our Club uses land originally belonging to the Abenaki tribe and we intend to be faithful stewards of that land. We believe that:

  • All areas of The Quechee Club are inclusive, safe spaces. We support diversity, equity, and inclusion in our membership and our staff. We seek to create and foster a community where people with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, cultures, and abilities feel they belong and can contribute to the good of the community.
  • Racism, sexism, and all forms of prejudice are unacceptable. We expect that members and staff will always treat each other with dignity and respect. We expect all members and staff to conduct themselves in a manner that respects the rights of others, and to refrain from behavior or language that is threatening, abusive, insulting or in any other way is contradictory to QLLA’s core values.
  • Efforts to ensure a more inclusive, anti-racist and just community are vital. We commit to practices and policies that ensure that all community members can thrive. We seek to embrace and learn from a wide range of human differences including, but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical abilities, or attributes, religious or ethical values systems, national origin, and/or political beliefs.

Abenaki Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we live on and help protect the ancestral lands of the Western Abenaki (Alnôak) people as the traditional land caretakers of Ndakinna (En-DAH-kee-nah- Our Land), which includes parts of Vermont, New Hampshire, western Maine, northern Massachusetts and southern Quebec. We pay our respects to their ancestors, elders, and relations past, present and emerging.”

Approved and accepted by BOT August 2021

Resources & Events

A collection of books, films, podcasts, and other educational resources and community events, in support of the DE&I mission.